Robert Brody |
Shamma Friedman’s Treatment of the Story of Rav Kahana |
Joseph David |
Belonging and Halakhic Change in Medieval Karaite Law and Adjacent Legal Traditions (Heb.) |
Yonatan Feintuch |
Esther and Alexander: A Babylonian Reworking of a Palestinian Aggada (Heb.) |
Eli Gurfinkel |
Jacob Bachrach’s Notes and Glosses to the Guide of the Perplexed and the Commentaries of Narboni and Satanow (Heb.) |
Lea Himmelfarb |
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Use of Biblical Accentuation in His Commentary on Psalms |
Binyamin Katzoff |
Tosefta Bookbindings from Norcia and their Place in the Textual Tradition of the Tosefta (Heb.) |
Nachman Levine |
Rav, Roman Imagery, and Korah’s (True) Colors |
Shlomo H. Pick |
The Chazzan in Provencia (Heb.) |
Shalom Sadiq |
Human Agency in the Thought of Rabbi Aaron from Nicomedia the Karaite (Heb.) |
Avraham Ofir Shemesh |
"And in the Land of Ishmael They Do Like This And There is No Finer Bread than It": The Influence of Islamic Cuisine and Diet on Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Biblical Commentaries (Heb.) |
Yael Shemesh |
The Sacrifice of Jephthah’s Daughter (Judges 11) as a Reflection Story of Rebecca’s Betrothal and Marriage (Genesis 24) |
Amram Tropper |
Revisiting ראשי פספסין (Heb.) |
Meirav (Tubul) Kahana |
Numerical Sayings in the Mishnah and Tosefta (Heb.) |
Shalem Yahalom |
On the Attributions in the Tosafot of R. Eliezer of Tuch (Heb.) |
Chanan Yitzchaki |
Which Editions of the Shulhan Arukh Were Used by the Author of the Pithei Teshuvah? (Heb.) |