David Henshke |
The Direction of Prayer - Towards the Temple Or Towards Other Directions? (Heb.) |
Barak S. Cohen |
“Shmuel said: Hilkheta”: The Halakhic Rulings of Shmuel in the Two Talmudim (Heb.) |
Yonatan Feintuch |
The Story of the Encounter Between Resh Lakish and Rabbah bar bar Hannah (bYoma 9b) in its Broader Talmudic Context (Heb.) |
Yishai Kiel |
Fasting and Self-Deprivation in the Babylonian Talmud in Light of Zoroastrian Ideology (Heb.) |
Evyatar Marienberg |
Women, Men and Cold Water: The Debate over the Heating of Jewish Ritual Baths from the Middle Ages to Our Own Time (Heb.) |
Robert Brody |
Petoterot and Benot Shuah |
Ishay Rosen-Zvi |
The Rise And Fall of Rabbinic Masculinity |
Richard C. Steiner |
Kol Nidre: Past, Present and Future |
Yehudit Henshke |
Biblical Citations in the Mishna: A Characterization of the Biblical Text Witnesses in Medieval Byzantium |
Michael G. Wechsler |
New Data from Saadia Bearing on the Relocation of the Palestinian Yeshiva to Jerusalem |
Ilana Sasson |
Masorah And Grammar as Revealed in Tenth Century Karaite Exegesis |
Levi Cooper |
Bitter Herbs in Hasidic Galicia |