"Poland" Forum

During the summer of 2019 the Arnold and Leona Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research decided to broaden its international activities by creating a number of international geographical or topical forums.

The "Poland Forum" is both geographical and topical. It includes researchers and active contributors to Holocaust Education and Comemmoration both inside and outside of Poland, including members of other Finkler Institute forums, who deal with the history of Polish Jewry right before, during and after the Holocaust.  

The forum was created in August 2019 and will hold meetings when the Institute Director or other Institute forum members visit Poland. It was conceived as a framework for sharing information about publications, symposia, conferences and workshops in Poland and elsewhere that deal with the history of Polish Jewry before, during, and after the Holocaust, and to foster cooperative ventures between forum members and others in various countries. In addition to its meetings, the forum also has an internet list that is used to share information with other forums of the Finkler Institute.




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 Dr. Lea Ganor Senior Scholar and Coordinator  Maria Ferenc Dr. Batya Brutin Dr. Lior Alperovitch  Prof. Natalia Aleksiun
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Dr. Edyta Gawron Gil Faran Dr. Katarzyna Person Prof. Eli Tzur Dr. Agnieszka Haska
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Dr. Grzegorz Krzwiec Dr. Tamir Hod Dr. Karolina Panz Dr. Kamila Klauzinska Dr. Ewa Wiatr
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Dr. Adam Sitarek Dr. Rivka Schiller Hanna Oren Dr. Pawel Wieczorek Ruth Weyl Geall
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Dr. Joanna Beate Michlic Dr. Iwona Zawidzka Dr. Wironika Romakik Eliyahu Klein Dr. Marta Ansilewska-Lehnstaedt
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Prof. Stephan Lehnstaedt Inbal Raz Prof. Sławomir Jacek Żurek Karol Madaj Lili Haber
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Kamil Kopera Bezalel Lavi Anita Lewczuk vel Leoniuk Dr. hab. Grzegorz Krzywiec Dr. Michal Niezabitowski
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Dr. Hab. Eng. Witold Wojciech Medykowski Dr. Avital Bloch Dr. Krzysztof Czubaszek   Dr. Tomasz Cebulski Hannah Wilson
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Perets Zucker

Yael Paulina Robinson Gottfeld Dr. Yaacov Falkov Dr. Glenn Dynner