Zohar Amar |
The Halakhic ‘Egg’s Bulk’ (Ke-Beitzah) in Light of Ancient Realia (Heb.) |
19.9.2023 |
Eliezer Baumgarten |
R. Nathan Shapiro of Krakow - The Torah and the Names of God (Heb.) |
15.3.2023 |
Carson Bay |
Not ‘Natural Law’: [The] Law(s) of Nature ([ὁ/οἱ] νόμος/νόμοι φύσεως) in Flavius Josephus |
15.2.2023 |
Avinoam Bier |
Interjection as a Literary Device in Biblical Narrative (Heb.) |
27.10.2022 |
Itamar Brenner |
Mysticism of Daily Life in the Thought of Rav Shagar: From Existential Phenomenology to a Universal Vision of Redemption (Heb.) |
27.10.2022 |
Elli Fischer and Tova Ganzel |
A Glimpse of Rabbi David Zvi Hoffmann’s Methods as a Decisor of Halakhah (Heb.) |
25.07.2022 |
Ido Hevroni |
The Story of R. Yohanan and Resh Laqish and its Place in the Story Cycle of R. Elazar b R. Shimon (bBM 83a–84a) (Heb.) |
29.06.2022 |
Daniel Kazhdan and Benjamin S. Kay |
Unlocking Ancient Texts with New Tools: A Data-Centered Study of the Mishnah |
8.12.2022 |
Yosef Ofer |
The Origin of the בי"ה שמ"ו Custom in Writing Torah Scrolls (Heb.) |
18.10.2022 |
Aviram Ravitsky |
Two Commentaries by R. Abraham Elijah Cohen on the Thirteen Principles of Exegesis and Inference: An Annotated Edition (Heb.) |
15.2.2023 |
Adiel Schremer, Binyamin Katzoff |
Inseparable Considerations: The Origins, Redaction, and Text of the Baraita About the Script of the Torah in Tosefta Sanhedrin 4:7 (Heb.) |
09.05.2022 |
List of Participants |