Vol. 22 (2022)

Vol. 22 (2022)

Author Title PDF Upload Date
Zohar Amar The Halakhic ‘Egg’s Bulk’ (Ke-Beitzah) in Light of Ancient Realia (Heb.) 19.9.2023
Eliezer Baumgarten R. Nathan Shapiro of Krakow - The Torah and the Names of God (Heb.) 15.3.2023
Carson Bay Not ‘Natural Law’: [The] Law(s) of Nature ([ὁ/οἱ] νόμος/νόμοι φύσεως) in Flavius Josephus 15.2.2023
Avinoam Bier Interjection as a Literary Device in Biblical Narrative (Heb.) 27.10.2022
Itamar Brenner Mysticism of Daily Life in the Thought of Rav Shagar: From Existential Phenomenology to a Universal Vision of Redemption (Heb.) 27.10.2022
Elli Fischer and Tova Ganzel A Glimpse of Rabbi David Zvi Hoffmann’s Methods as a Decisor of Halakhah (Heb.) 25.07.2022
Ido Hevroni The Story of R. Yohanan and Resh Laqish and its Place in the Story Cycle of R. Elazar b R. Shimon (bBM 83a–84a) (Heb.) 29.06.2022
Daniel Kazhdan and Benjamin S. Kay Unlocking Ancient Texts with New Tools: A Data-Centered Study of the Mishnah 8.12.2022
Yosef Ofer The Origin of the בי"ה שמ"ו Custom in Writing Torah Scrolls (Heb.) 18.10.2022
Aviram Ravitsky Two Commentaries by R. Abraham Elijah Cohen on the Thirteen Principles of Exegesis and Inference: An Annotated Edition (Heb.) 15.2.2023
Adiel Schremer, Binyamin Katzoff Inseparable Considerations: The Origins, Redaction, and Text of the Baraita About the Script of the Torah in Tosefta Sanhedrin 4:7 (Heb.) 09.05.2022
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