Vol. 14 (2018)

Author Title PDF
Yitzhak Amar The Prophet Gad and his Relations with King David: A Study of Gad’s Three Appearances Before David (Heb.)
Dror Ehrlich The Identity of the Second Group in Maimonides’ Parable of the King’s Palace (Heb.)
Yohanan Kapah  The Different Ways of Enumerating 147 Psalms (Heb.)
Eric Lawee  "The Refined People of Edom": Evolving Jewish Attitudes Towards Christian Culture in Spain in the Late Middle Ages (Heb.)
Jonathan Milevsky Moses: God’s Representative, Employee, or Messenger? Understanding the Views of Maimonides, Nahmanides, and Joseph Albo on Moses’ Role and Ultimate Failure at Mei Meribah
Yosi Peretz The Traditions of the Open and Closed Sections in Medieval Ashkenazi Manuscripts of the Pentateuch (Heb.)
Amihai Radzyner The Israeli Legislation as Both Halakhic Problem and Its Solution: The Complicated Case of Heter ha-Mekhirah
Assaf Rosen-Zvi Deliberate Alterations of the Biblical Text in Rabbinic Literature (Heb.)
Nadav Sharon Josephus as Jeremiah, or Jeremiah as Josephus?
Yonatan Sagiv  The Sifra – A Reconstruction of its Formative Process and Early Strata (Heb.)
Abraham Ofir Shemesh Ob and Yid‘oni – One Necromantic Practice? On the Shaping and the Sources of Two Medieval Traditions (Heb.)
Malkah Shenvald  Temporal and Textual Linearity in Ramban's Commentary on the Torah (Heb.)
Avi Shveka Is the Court Emissary Allowed to Enter the Debtor’s Home? Elucidating the Original Version and Interpretation of One Passage in Sifre Deuteronomy (Heb.)
Miriam Sklarz From Divine Directive to Human Legacy – Transition in the Course of Nahmanides’ Typological Exegesis of the Patriarchal Narratives
Yechiel Tzeitkin Rabbi Menachem HaMeiri As Biblical Commentator (Heb.)