Yitzhak Amar |
The Prophet Gad and his Relations with King David: A Study of Gad’s Three Appearances Before David (Heb.) |
Dror Ehrlich |
The Identity of the Second Group in Maimonides’ Parable of the King’s Palace (Heb.) |
Yohanan Kapah |
The Different Ways of Enumerating 147 Psalms (Heb.) |
Eric Lawee |
"The Refined People of Edom": Evolving Jewish Attitudes Towards Christian Culture in Spain in the Late Middle Ages (Heb.) |
Jonathan Milevsky |
Moses: God’s Representative, Employee, or Messenger? Understanding the Views of Maimonides, Nahmanides, and Joseph Albo on Moses’ Role and Ultimate Failure at Mei Meribah |
Yosi Peretz |
The Traditions of the Open and Closed Sections in Medieval Ashkenazi Manuscripts of the Pentateuch (Heb.) |
Amihai Radzyner |
The Israeli Legislation as Both Halakhic Problem and Its Solution: The Complicated Case of Heter ha-Mekhirah |
Assaf Rosen-Zvi |
Deliberate Alterations of the Biblical Text in Rabbinic Literature (Heb.) |
Nadav Sharon |
Josephus as Jeremiah, or Jeremiah as Josephus? |
Yonatan Sagiv |
The Sifra – A Reconstruction of its Formative Process and Early Strata (Heb.) |
Abraham Ofir Shemesh |
Ob and Yid‘oni – One Necromantic Practice? On the Shaping and the Sources of Two Medieval Traditions (Heb.) |
Malkah Shenvald |
Temporal and Textual Linearity in Ramban's Commentary on the Torah (Heb.) |
Avi Shveka |
Is the Court Emissary Allowed to Enter the Debtor’s Home? Elucidating the Original Version and Interpretation of One Passage in Sifre Deuteronomy (Heb.) |
Miriam Sklarz |
From Divine Directive to Human Legacy – Transition in the Course of Nahmanides’ Typological Exegesis of the Patriarchal Narratives |
Yechiel Tzeitkin |
Rabbi Menachem HaMeiri As Biblical Commentator (Heb.) |