Doron Adler |
Determining the Weight of the Dirham, the Basis for Calculating Torah Measurements (Shi'urim) (Heb.) |

14.1.2024 |
Robert Brody |
On the Conclusion of Tosefta Shevu`ot (Heb.) |

25.7.2023 |
Judah D. Galinsky |
Tur Oraḥ Ḥayyim and the “Va-Aneinu” Prayer Recited During a Drought: The Influence of the First Printing (Piove di Sacco) on the Formulation of a “New” Prayer (Heb.) |

22.11.2023 |
Jonathan Grossman and Jonathan Jacobs |
Bahya ben Asher’s Awareness of Intentional Ambiguity in the Bible (Heb.)
14.1.2024 |
Jair Haas |
A Kabbalist Deals with the “Enigmas of the Father of Plain-Sense Biblical Exegesis”: The Attitude Towards Rabbinic Tradition in the Otzar Nehmad Supercommentary of R. Moses b. Jacob of Kiev on R. Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Biblical Commentary (Heb.) |
3.11.2023 |
Eliezer Hadad |
The Biblical Stranger as an Originative Concept in the Religion of Reason |
11.8.2023 |
Robert A. Harris |
Peshat Rules: Two Recent Publications by Mordechai Cohen |
8.5.2023 |
Orlit Kolodni |
Traditions of Writing the Song of the Sea in Medieval Italian Biblical Manuscripts (Heb.) |

4.7.2023 |
Yosef Marcus |
An Addition to Ramban’s Derashah for Rosh Hashanah and its Significance for his Views About the Dissemination of Kabbalistic Teachings (Heb.) |
28.12.2023 |
Avraham (Rami) Reiner |
Between Narbonne and Melun and Between Image and Reality – Rabbi Meshulam ben Natan (Heb.)
28.12.2023 |
Shalom Tzadik |
What is Belief? A Conservative Definition of Belief as an Exoteric Tool among Jewish Averroist Philosophers (Heb.) |

28.12.2023 |