Rabin Shushtri |
Two Geniza Documents from Chapter Lulav Hagazul:
A Testament to the Antiquity of the Western Text |
Nachman Levine |
On Talmudic Name Wordplay : A Literary Device and its Significance |
Daniel Sperber |
Minora |
Shimon Fogel |
Samson as Messiah - Another Look |
Jonathan Jacobs |
Books Encountered by Ramban After He Arrived in the Land of Israel |
Israel Ben Simon |
The Origins of the Meiri’s Commentary on the book of Proverbs and the Concept of 'Nations Bound by the Ways of Religion' |
Shalom Sadik |
Freedom of Choice in the Thought of Rabbi Josef Albo |
Haggai Dagan |
The Transformations of a Liminal Jew : Myth and Literature in Some Modern Literary Variations of the R. Joseph della Reina Story |
Tzvi Novick |
Din and Debate: Some Dialectical Patterns in Tannaitic Texts |
Ari Ackerman |
Hasdai Crescas and His Circle on the Infinitely Expanding Torah |
David Stern |
The Hebrew Bible in Europe in the Middle Ages : A Preliminary Typology |
Lily Okalani Kahn |
Biblical Grammatical Elements in the Nineteenth-Century Hasidic Hebrew Tale |
James A. Diamond |
A Kabbalistic Reinvention of Maimonides' Legal Code: R. Abraham Isaac Kook's Commentary on Sefer Hamada |