Ishay Rosen-Zvi |
Responsive Blessings and the Development of the Tannaitic Liturgical System (Heb.) |
Avraham Walfish |
Creative Redaction and the Power of Desire –
A Study of the Redaction of Tractate Qiddushin: Mishnah, Tosefta, and Babylonian Talmud (Heb.) |
Ronit Shoshany |
A Study of Two Tales in Midrash Ruth Zuta And Their Adaptation in Hibbur Yafeh me-ha-Yeshu‛ah (Heb.) |
Itzhak Hershkowitz |
Studies in the Transmission of the Oral Torah According to Maimonides' Introduction to the Mishneh Torah (Heb.) |
Jair Haas |
Rashbam on the Song of Songs: A Reconsideration (Heb.) |
Yosef Ofer |
Determining the Masoretic Text of the Bible: Rabbi Mordechai Breuer and His Methods and Sources (Heb.) |
Yitzhak Berger |
The Commentary on Proverbs in MS Vatican
Ebr. 89 and the Early Exegesis of Radak |
Richard C. Steiner |
On the Original Structure and Meaning of Mah Nishtannah and the History of Its Reinterpretation |