Rivka Raviv |
On the Original Position of the Book of Daniel in the Jewish Bible (Heb.) |
Ronit Shoshany |
Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai in the Cave and Elijah in the Wilderness: A Comparison between Talmudic and Biblical Narratives (Heb.) |
Gilad Sasson |
In the Footsteps of the Tradition About Solomon the Magician in the Literature of the Sages (Heb.) |
Barak S. Cohen |
Rashi’s Historiographical Comments About Babylonian Amoraim (Heb.) |
Yitzhak Brand |
“Just Weights” – Heavenly and Earthly Justice:
A Study of the Laws of Weights and Measures in Rabbinic Literature (Heb.) |
Arnon Atzmon |
Mordechai’s Dream: From Addition to Derashah (Heb.) |
Jordan S. Penkower |
Rashi’s Corrections to his Commentary on the Pentateuch (Heb.) |
Shalem Yahalom |
“We May Not Emend the Text”: Studies in the Textual Criticism of Nahmanides (Heb.) |
Yacov Fuchs |
The Commentaries of Rabbi Yehuda Almadari on Hilkhot Ha-Rif, Order Mo‘ed (Heb.) |
Justin Jaron Lewis |
Miracles and Martyrdom: The Theology of a Yiddish-Language Memorial Book of Hasidic Tales in the Context of Earlier Hasidic Hagiography |