Israel Belfer and Israel Ori Meitlis |
Rabbi Joseph Rozin's Disagreement with Solomon Maimon and John Locke: Manuscript Completion, Motivation and Meaning (Heb.) |
Simcha Emanuel |
New Responsa by R. Sherira Gaon and R. Hai Gaon (Heb.) |
Mordechai A. Friedman |
Eating shemurah matzah on Shabbat the 14th of Nisan: A Geniza Responsum (Heb.) |
Jonathan Jacobs |
Retrospection as an Exegetical Device in R. Joseph Kara's Torah Commentary (Heb.) |
Neriah Klein |
The Biblical Commentaries of Rabbi Shmuel Laniado, Ba'al Ha-Kelim (Heb.) |
Yosef Marcus |
The High Priest’s Sanctification of Hands and Feet for the Yom Kippur Ritual: Between Palestinian and Babylonian Traditions of the Mishnah (Heb.) |
Harry S. Paris |
Taxonomic Identity of the Edible Cucurbits of the Mishna, Tosefta, and Talmud (Heb.) |
Amihai Radzyner |
'There is a Mamzer from the Torah Only if His Parents were Imprisoned Together': Innovative Solutions for Purifying Mamzerim in Israel Rabbinical Courts (Heb.) |
Shalom Sadik |
The Definition of ‘Common Opinions’ in Maimonides and his Philosophical Sources (Heb.) |
Adiel Schremer and Binyamin Katzoff |
On the Difficulties in Editing the Tosefta: The Fine Line Between Text, Interpretation and the Transformations of Tradition (Heb.) |
Avishalom Westreich |
"'Ox' Covers All Kinds of Damage Done by Ox" (BT Bava Kamma 3b)? On Mishnah Bava Kamma, Its Redaction and Versions, and Their Relation to the Concepts of Tort Law (Heb.) |
List of Participants