Vol. 20 (2021)

Author Title PDF
Israel Belfer and Israel Ori Meitlis Rabbi Joseph Rozin's Disagreement with Solomon Maimon and John Locke: Manuscript Completion, Motivation and Meaning (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png
Simcha Emanuel New Responsa by R. Sherira Gaon and R. Hai Gaon (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png
Mordechai A. Friedman Eating shemurah matzah on Shabbat the 14th of Nisan: A Geniza Responsum (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png
Jonathan Jacobs Retrospection as an Exegetical Device in R. Joseph Kara's Torah Commentary (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png
Neriah Klein The Biblical Commentaries of Rabbi Shmuel Laniado, Ba'al Ha-Kelim (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png
Yosef Marcus The High Priest’s Sanctification of Hands and Feet for the Yom Kippur Ritual: Between Palestinian and Babylonian Traditions of the Mishnah (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png
Harry S. Paris Taxonomic Identity of the Edible Cucurbits of the Mishna, Tosefta, and Talmud (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png
Amihai Radzyner 'There is a Mamzer from the Torah Only if His Parents were Imprisoned Together': Innovative Solutions for Purifying Mamzerim in Israel Rabbinical Courts (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png
Shalom Sadik The Definition of ‘Common Opinions’ in Maimonides and his Philosophical Sources (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png
Adiel Schremer and Binyamin Katzoff On the Difficulties in Editing the Tosefta: The Fine Line Between Text, Interpretation and the Transformations of Tradition (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png
Avishalom Westreich "'Ox' Covers All Kinds of Damage Done by Ox" (BT Bava Kamma 3b)? On Mishnah Bava Kamma, Its Redaction and Versions, and Their Relation to the Concepts of Tort Law (Heb.) adobe-27964_960_720.png

List of Participants
