Zohar Amar |
Wood-Burning Sacrifices and Preparation of the Red Heifer:
Written Sources and Empirical Research |
Itzhak Brand |
The Passover Sacrifice—From “House” to “Company” (Heb.) |
Albert Dov Friedberg |
“… Hasidut leads to Ruah Haqodesh …” – A New Reading of the Closing Chapters of Maimonides’ Guide |
Yosef Marcus |
"Blessings of the High Priest" (Mishnah Sotah 7:2) - Are They Really Eight Blessings? |
Israel Ori Meitlis |
The Place of Spinoza in R. Joseph Rozin’s Marginal Glosses to the Guide of the Perplexed |
Pinchas Roth |
Mordechai Nathan and the Jewish Community of Avignon in the Late Fifteenth Century (Heb.) |
Nili Shupak |
“Schools,” Teachers, Pupils, and Learning Material During the First Temple Period (Heb.) |
Liat Sobolev-Mandelbaum |
Rabbi’s Maidservant - An Exemplary Female Character in Talmudic Literature |