Arnon Atzmon |
The Piskah of “Eikhah” in Pesikta de-Rav Kahana: Between Lament and Rebuke (Heb.) |
Robert Brody |
Rashi as Textual Critic: A Clarification |
Yair Furstenberg |
Mishnah Uprooting Scripture: Shaping Halakhah in Opposition to Scripture in the Redaction of the Mishnah (Heb.) |
Yishai Glasner |
Early and Late Strata in Mishna Tractate Yoma (Heb.) |
Leor Jacobi and Zohar Amar |
From the Hunting Grounds to the Courtyard: The Crane in History and the Question of Its Kashrut Status According to the Medieval Rabbis (Heb.) |
Seth (Avi) Kadish |
Sefer Ha-Middot: New Light from the Manuscripts |
Nachman Levine |
Avnimos HaGardi and Abba Yosef HaBanai: The Builder and the Weaver and their Cosmogonies, a Literary Reading |
David Sabato |
The Noahide Commandments in Tosefta Avodah Zarah (Heb.) |
Shalom Sadik |
Free-Will Psychology in the Thought of Gersonides (Heb.) |
Rabin Shushtri |
Dating and Divorce Decrees: A Comparison Between the Palestinian and Babylonian Talmuds (Heb.) |
Oded Yisraeli |
"There is no Clear Evidence in that Study": Nahmanides as a Talmud Commentator: Between Traditionalism and Independence (Heb.) |