Michael Avioz and Meir Ben Shahar |
Editors’ Preface |
Kenneth Atkinson |
Josephus's Use of Scripture to Describe Hasmonean Territorial Expansion |
Meir Ben Shahar |
Dating the Destruction of the First Temple: Tradition and Interpretation in Josephus |
Silvia Castelli |
Between Tradition and Innovation: Josephus's Description of the Tabernacle (Ant. 3.108-150) as an Improved Alternative to the Greek Bible |
Jonathan Klawans |
Heresy, Forgery, Novelty: Condemning and Denying Innovation in Josephus |
Étienne Nodet |
Josephus, 1 Maccabees, and Hanukkah |
Ishay Rosen-Zvi |
Between Ethnos and Nomos: Josephus and the Goyim |
Daniel R. Schwartz |
Hellenism, Judaism, and Apologetic: Josephus's Antiquities According to an Unpublished Commentary by Abraham Schalit |
Jan Willem Van Henten |
Herod's Law Against Theft in its Literary, Legal, and Historical Contexts |